Flight Number
Flight date
Number of passengers
please specify ticket
Email Passenger 1
If you have legal expenses insurance with appropriate coverage, the deducted success commission can be refunded if necessary.
Legal expenses insurance
  • Before continuing with the examination, please report your passenger rights case to the AXA-ARAG Rechtsschutz AG via the hotline.
  • AXAjur-Hotline: 0848 11 11 00
  • In the case of insurance coverage, you will receive a Claim number from AXA-ARAG Rechtsschutz AG, which you can then enter in the field below.
  • Our commission will then be paid by AXA-ARAG Rechtsschutz AG. This means that if your compensation payment is successful, cancelled.ch will transfer 100% of the compensation payment to you.
  • Before continuing with the examination, please report your passenger rights case to the Coop Rechtsschutz AG via the hotline.
  • Coop Rechtsschutz Hotline: +41 (0)62 836 00 00
  • In the case of insurance coverage, you will receive a Reference No. from Coop Rechtsschutz AG, which you can then enter in the field below.
  • Our commission will then be paid by Coop Rechtsschutz AG. This means that if your compensation payment is successful, cancelled.ch will transfer 100% of the compensation payment to you.
  • Please report your passenger rights claim to the EMILIA website before proceeding with the review.
  • Case registration at JUSTIS: www.justis.ch
  • In the case of insurance coverage, you will receive a Claim number from EMILIA, which you can then enter in the field below.
  • Our commission will then be paid by EMILIA. This means that if your compensation payment is successful, cancelled.ch will transfer 100% of the compensation payment to you.
  • Before continuing with the examination, please report your passenger rights case to the Fortuna Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG via the hotline.
  • Fortuna Rechtsschutz Hotline: +41 (0)58 472 72 00
  • In the case of insurance coverage, you will receive a verification number from Fortuna Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, which you can then enter in the field below.
  • Our commission will then be paid by Fortuna Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG. This means that if your compensation payment is successful, cancelled.ch will transfer 100% of the compensation payment to you.
  • Before continuing with the examination, please report your passenger rights case to the Helsana Rechtsschutz AG via the hotline.
  • Helsana Rechtsschutz Hotline: +41 (0)62 832 31 00
  • In the case of insurance coverage, you will receive a Reference No. from Helsana Rechtsschutz AG, which you can then enter in the field below.
  • Our commission will then be paid by Helsana Rechtsschutz AG. This means that if your compensation payment is successful, cancelled.ch will transfer 100% of the compensation payment to you.
  • Please report your passenger rights claim to the JUSTIS Rechtsschutz website before proceeding with the review.
  • Case registration at JUSTIS: www.justis.ch
  • In the case of insurance coverage, you will receive a Case number from JUSTIS Rechtsschutz, which you can then enter in the field below.
  • Our commission will then be paid by JUSTIS Rechtsschutz. This means that if your compensation payment is successful, cancelled.ch will transfer 100% of the compensation payment to you.
  • Before you proceed with the examination, please report your passenger rights case to Orion Rechtsschutz-Versicherung AG.
  • Orion Hotline: 0848 88 88 44
  • Email: recht@orion.ch
  • Online: orion.ch
  • In the case of insurance coverage, you will receive a Reference No. from Orion Rechtsschutz-Versicherung AG, which you can then enter in the field below.
  • Our commission will then be paid by Orion Rechtsschutz-Versicherung AG. This means that if your compensation payment is successful, cancelled.ch will transfer 100% of the compensation payment to you.
Name of the legal expenses insurance
Policy number
Reason for cancellation
Airline Cancellation Information
alternative transport
Arrival Information
Arrival Information
Arrival Information
Replacement flight
Was a replacement flight offered that departs before the scheduled departure time?
Did this replacement flight start less than one hour before the scheduled departure time?
Did this replacement flight start less than two hours before the scheduled departure time?
Did the replacement flight offered reach the destination airport no more than two hours after the scheduled arrival time?
Did the replacement flight offered reach the destination airport no more than four hours after the scheduled arrival time?
If you still have the flight number of this replacement flight at hand, what was it? If you arrived at the destination airport with several replacement flights, enter all of them here if possible.
Flight Number
Flight date
Number of passengers
Reason for cancellation
Airline Cancellation Information
alternative transport
How many hours later did you arrive at your destination?
Replacement flight
How many hours before the scheduled departure time did this flight take off?
How many hours after the scheduled arrival time did this flight land?
If you still have the flight number of this replacement flight at hand, what was it? If you arrived at the destination airport with several replacement flights, enter all of them here if possible.
Have you already taken action against the airline?
What exactly did you do?
What else would you like to tell us?
Booking reference / booking code of the airline
Which class did you book for this flight?
Telephone for queries
First name
Last name
Address supplement
Upload files

    Your details are of course voluntary, but can speed up the process of payment enormously in the event of success.
    Bank name
    Account holder: First name, last name
    If you do not have a Swiss bank account, please also state the BIC/SWIFT of your bank.
    Problems with the IBAN?
    Maybe the IBAN calculator will help you...